Monday, January 31, 2011


The 9th Kerala Pay Revision Commission has not turned up to consider the genuine demands raised by various organizations representing state service pensioners.
1.       Major demand for issue of Identity Card to the Pensioners for various purposes like proof of age for claiming  benefits of senior citizens, opening  and  operating bank accounts, proof for occupying government rest houses etc etc are not considered by the Commission even though there is not much financial commitment to Government.  More over the pensioners are also willing to meet the cost.
2.       Request for granting weightage based on the length of past service so as to rectify the anomaly on one rank pension was not considered by the commission.
3.       Request for a second commutation for 6 years on the basis of medical check up was not considered even though there is provision for repayment.
4.       Request for rent concession in Government guest houses and Rest houses to pensioners were not considered.
5.       Request  for Medical coverage to the pensioners as in the case of Central Govt. pensioners or introduction of Mediclaim was not considered by the Commission.
6.       None of the other demands requested before the Commission were considered.

The Pension calculation based on the recommendation of 9th Kerala Pay Revision Commission is as given below:
1.  Basic Pension as on 1-7-2009 including commuted portion of pension.
2.  Calculate 64% of Dearness Relief based on the Basic Pension mentioned in item number one.
3.  Calculate 12% of the basic pension mentioned in item number one (10% for those retired            between 1-4-2002 to 31-3-2004 as they got 5% increase in their basic pension now)
4.  The revised Basic Pension as on 1-7-2009 is the sum of item numbers one, two and three above.
5.  The Dearness Relief is 0% as on 1-7-2009.
6.  The Dearness Relief with effect from 1-1-2010 is 8% of the revised basic pension instead of the present 14%. (it means that 6% of D.R. is recovered by the Commission)
7.  The Dearness Relief with effect from 1-7-2010 is 10% of the revised basic pension instead of the present 16%. (it means that 6% of D.R. now drawing is recovered by the Commission)

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